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APA 6: Tables

Tips and information on using APA formatting and styling on your research

Rules for Tables

  • Used to present numerical information
  • Do not use vertical lines in any APA table
  • For simple tables, use horizontal lines immediately above and below the column headings and at the bottom of the table
  • Tables are flush with the left margin (do not center)

Labeling Tables

Table Example:

Table Format:

  • Tables have no vertical lines
  • Horizontal lines are only used at the top and bottom and to separate major sections of the table
  • Do not use horizontal lines to separate rows of data

Labeling Tables:

  • Use 12-point Times New Roman
  • Label for the table goes above the table
  • "Table #" is on its own line, no period is used
  • Title of table is in italics and appears below table number, no period is used
  • Table number and title are left justified (flush with the margin, not centered)

Table Notes:

You may need to place general notes, specific notes, or probability notes under the table. They are arranged in the order listed

A general note explains or provides information about the table. Immediately below the table, write "Note" in italics, followed by a period. Cite your source if the table is reproduced or is created based on data provided by another source. Include the source in your references as well.

A specific note refers to a particular column, row or cell and is indicated by superscript lowercase letters.

A probability note gives the reader the results of the tests for statistical significance. Asterisks indicate the values for which the null hypothesis is rejected, with the probability (p value) specified in the probability note.

Notes should be listed with general notes first, then specific notes, and concluded with probability notes without indentation.  Not all note types are required.  Include as needed.

Citing a Reproduced Table from a Journal:

            Title above table

Table X. Title or description of table.

            Caption below table

Table X. Table title. Adapted (reprinted, reproduced, whatever is appropriate) from “Title of article,” by A. A. Author and B. B. Author, Year, Journal Title, Volume, p. XX. Copyright (note: write out “copyright”) Year by Publisher.