Pacific Oaks Library provides access to thousands of streaming documentaries on a variety of platforms. On this page, you'll find links and brief descriptions for the major documentary collections .
The database is a streaming video resource with a board collection of over 26,000 films on every subject imaginable and from leading producers such as Criterion Collection, The Great Courses, New Day Films, HBO California Newsreel, Kino Lorber, PBS, BBC, First Run Features, The Video Project, Media Education Foundation, Documentary Education Resources. Kanopy’s website makes it easy to watch, share and discuss films across campus.
Find a complete list of all video collections.
To get you started, below is a glossary of some of the key terms that it might be helpful to understand:
If there's another term you don't understand, find confusing in this context or think might be helpful to others, please let us know and we'll add it to this glossary!
Source: Key terms adapted from the Webopedia.