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KansasCOM Library

Medical Education

Physicianship Textbooks

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

Health Systems Science

Health Science Systems
by Susan E. Skochelak et al
ISBN: 978-0323694629

An electronic version of this book is not available at this time.
Students will need to purchase a physical copy of this book on their own.

Purchase on Amazon
Purchase on Elsevier

Purchase on AbeBooks


Tips & Tricks

For best results, please login to your library account before accessing eBook links.

The KansasCOM Library recommends creating a personal user account for each eTextbook portal top open additional resources such as the ability to bookmark and access practice questions. Check out our eBook App & Help tab for information about creating personal accounts and downloading apps to use on your smartphone or tablet.

For the best eBook experience, we recommend using Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari browsers.

If you encounter any issues or difficulty accessing eTextbooks, please let the library know as soon as possible!

Our eTextbook collections offer a variety of services beyond just the text needed for reading assignments. Below is a table where you can see exactly what is available in each.

Although two of three platforms have an app, all are optimized to display on your device (laptop, tablet or phone) and adjust to fit your screen. The KansasCOM Library recommends viewing through a web browser for the best performance/use of the materials.

  • Available apps are linked below!

Special Features in eBook Platforms
  AccessMedicine ClinicalKey LWW Health Library


Board Review tools X
Case studies X X X
Clerkship/Clinical Rotation resources X X
Clinical Practice/Guidelines X
eBooks X X X
Flash Cards X
Images,  graphs, charts, etc. X X X
Journal clubs X
Journals X
PDF file downloads (chapters/books/articles) X X
Podcasts X
PowerPoint slides X X X
Practice Tests/Self Assessments X X
Videos X X X


The KansasCOM Library strongly recommends students create personal user accounts with each of these services.

The majority of eTextbooks are located in three collections:

Additional eTextbooks are also located in these databases:

Why Create a Personal Account?

While there are multiple benefits to creating a personal account, there are two benefits that will impact your use of the eTextbook platforms:

  1. Ability to create bookmarks
  2. You'll need a personal account to use vendor apps on your phone or tablet

The KansasCOM Library recommends using your student email address to create your accounts but you may use any valid email address to set-up your accounts. Most of the library resources require you to complete the set-up by clicking a link provided in an email.

Typically, you will find the registration and login links in the top right corner of the database or resource collections.

Reading Tips

Reading loads can be very heavy in medical school. Even blue light reading glasses or filters can't always ease that. Below are some solutions to help out and provide alternatives to reading on your laptop screen. 

If you have figured out other alternatives, please share so we can add them to the list!.Audio Readers

Two of our textbook platforms incorporate AI readers for you to use. They are as simple as clicking 'play' in the book you happen to be reading. Here are some screen shots so you know what to look for!


LWW Health Library

Tablets or Smartphones

Whether you are an android or apple user, you will be able to access our resources and be able to read on your handheld device. Our websites are designed to adjust to the scale of your device to make reading a little bit handier. 


PDF Downloads

Some of our textbook platforms allow you to be able to dimply download pdf files of chapters and some need a little bit of work-around to accomplished this. Whether you are planning to print or annotate the pdf file, here are easy tips to obtain them.


Reading from a screen can get tiring whether or not you battle dry eyes. Sometimes you just want a printed copy to make notes or to be able to easily backtrack and re-read sections of the text. Downloading pdf files from textbooks is pretty straightforward, but sometimes there is no pdf download option and you really want to print. Highlight the text you want and send to the printer, or you may opt to download as a print to pdf option to save and then print when needed.  See the examples in the section above for more details.

**It is permissible for you to print without fear of copyright violation from the library resources.

Online Readers

There are a variety of free online readers available. Some require registration or a download. Some only require an internet connection to work. All vary depending on the way you want to provide the content.

You can use the links provided below to copy and paste text into the free reading software options. Nearly all of the services offer a 'free' version that requires no sign in or service fee to use. The options are pretty basic but are also adequate to just have the service read the text you want. They all offer a subscription version that offers more options and it is up to you to pay if you choose to subscribe.

I was able to find these options when I Googled 'text to speech free'. They all work in very similar ways.

Links to eTextbook Platforms