While the library subscribes to over 100,000 streaming videos, not all of them can be indexed in One Search, the library's online catalog. The best way to find relevant streaming videos is to browse our Recommended Streaming Video Collections
The collection showcases the skills necessary to become a social worker. It gives insights into different client groups at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels and elevates understanding of how theory and policy related to practice.
For all faculty: Please review the Social Work Video Instructor Manual for additional classroom support.
Indexed in OneSearch
The SAGE Video Sociology collection covers the shifting understandings of social identities and the intersections of sociological conditions, from environmental and political to familial and cultural. An array of different video types are available including multiple hours of in-practice footage that showcase how sociological theories and intersections play in the real world context.
Indexed in OneSearch
The database is a streaming video resource with a board collection of over 26,000 films on every subject imaginable and from leading producers such as Criterion Collection, The Great Courses, New Day Films, HBO California Newsreel, Kino Lorber, PBS, BBC, First Run Features, The Video Project, Media Education Foundation, Documentary Education Resources. Kanopy’s website makes it easy to watch, share and discuss films across campus.
Access for some titles is by request
ProQuest One Academic is the best destination for multidisciplinary research, teaching and learning. It brings together more than 250 years of authoritative, curated content available across every discipline and format to one place. It encompasses entirety of four resources many researchers and libraries rely upon: ProQuest Central, Academic Complete, ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Global and Academic Video Online, creating a seamless user experience for researchers at all levels.
Indexed in One Search