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Copyright & Fair Use

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Copyright and Plaigarism


Plagiarism is "an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author." (
The Kansas Health Science Center - Kansas College of Osteopathic Medicine's Professional Code of Conduct, available at add link when available lists plagiarism as a violation of our Professional Code of Conduct.
  • Why are we quoting the from the Professional Code of Conduct?

  • How is plagiarism different from copyright violation?

The difference is cultural ethical practice versus law. In U.S. copyright law, it does not matter if you cite the original author/creator. Plagiarism involves, not just copying other people's work, but not giving them appropriate credit.

In short, it is not Western academic practice to copy other people's work without giving them credit. You can use other people's work, but you should quote and cite appropriately in order to be behaving, not just within accordance with the KHSC - KansasCOM Professional Code of Conduct, but the ethical practices of the Western world.

On the flip side, if someone, for example, prints 30 copies of the current bestseller and sell them for $1 each because they're a huge fan of the author?? Well, that's not plagiarism, because the author is clear. That's copyright violation! 

Need more concrete examples on how to determine whether you are plagiarizing or not? Harvard has some great examples under "What Constitutes Plagiarism?


KansasCOM Professional Code of Conduct

Professional Code of Conduct

It is not possible to enumerate all forms of inappropriate behavior. The following, however, are examples of behavior that could constitute a violation of Kansas Health Science Center (KHSC- KansasCOM) policy. Accordingly, KHSC-KansasCOM has established the following Professional Code of Conduct, indicating behavior that is subject to disciplinary action:

  1. Harassment, harm, abuse, damage, or theft to or of any individual or property;
  2. Physical or verbal abuse or the threat of such abuse to any individual;
  3. All forms of dishonesty: cheating, plagiarism, knowingly furnishing false information to KHSC- KansasCOM, forgery, alteration, or unapproved use of records;
  4. Entering or using KHSC-KansasCOM or hospital/clinic/research facilities without authorization;
  5. Disrupting teaching, research, administrative or student functions of KHSC-KansasCOM;
  6. Actions resulting in being charged with a violation of federal, state, or local laws, excluding minor traffic violations; and/or failure to report such charges/violations to KHSC-KansasCOM administration within 48 hours;
  7. Participation in academic or clinical endeavors at KHSC-KansasCOM or its affiliated institutions while under the influence of alcohol, nonprescribed controlled substances or illicit drugs;
  8. Unlawful use, possession, or distribution of illegal drugs, nonprescribed controlled substances, or alcohol at any time
  9. Placing a patient in needless jeopardy;
  10. Unethical disclosure of privileged information;
  11. Behavior or appearance that demonstrates abusive or disrespectful conduct toward members of the faculty, administrative or professional staff, employees, students, patients or visitors of KHSC-KansasCOM;
  12. Violation of any established rules, regulations, and policies of KHSC-KansasCOM, KHSC- KansasCOM -endorsed organizations, KHSC-KansasCOM departments or affiliated institutions;
  13. Failure to report an observed violation of the Professional Code of Conduct;
  14. Conspiring, planning, or attempting to achieve any of the above acts.

(Page 74-75 student handbook)