- Keep a separate Work Cited file of the sources you use.
- As you add sources, put them in APA format.
- Group sources by publication type (i.e., book, article, website).
- Number source within the publication type group.
- For websites, include the URL information.
- Next to each idea, include the source number from the Work Cited file and the page number from the source. See the examples below. Note #A5 and #B2 refer to article source 5 and book source 2 from the Work Cited file.
#A5 p.35: 76.69% of the hyperlinks selected from homepage are for articles and the catalog
#B2 p.76: online library guides evolved from the paper pathfinders of the 1960's
- When done taking notes, assign keywords or sub-topic headings to each idea, quote or summary.
- Use the copy and paste feature to group keywords or sub-topic ideas together.
- Back up your master list and note files frequently!