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HD Thesis Course Guide: Submitting Your Thesis


Meet with a Librarian

Do you have questions about APA

formatting or using

library search tools? 

Contact us at or

(626) 529-8451, or schedule an appointment with

a librarian by filling out this form.

Steps for a Successful Thesis Submission

Steps for Successfully Submitting a Thesis to the Library

Step 1: A successful thesis submission includes two things:

  1. A digital copy (PDF preferred) or photocopy of the title page with your committee’s signatures.
    • Name the file: Last Name, First Name-Title Page
  2. A digital copy of the final and approved version of your thesis (PDF preferred).
  • Name the file: Last Name, First Name-Thesis.
    A submitted thesis must be a single document that includes a title page, a table of contents, the body of the thesis, and reference list.

Step 2: You must use your college-issued email to send your thesis and title page to: with the subject line:

"Your Full Name, Thesis Submission"

Step 3: The Library will email a notification after reviewing your thesis:

  1. Needs corrections Students are notified via email if they need to make corrections. Students are responsible for reviewing, correcting, and resubmitting necessary changes.
  2. Accepted submission Students usually receive an email confirmation from the Library within 1-3 business days of submission (subject to change with notification). The Library notifies the Registrar's office of your successful thesis completion.

Thesis students seeking help with APA formatting are advised to make

appointments with library staff well in advance of submission deadlines.


  • The Library makes a good-faith effort to check that theses follow correct APA formatting.
  • The Library does not edit or check content, grammar, spelling, etc.
  • The Library does not set due dates, requirements, or penalties relating to thesis submissions.
  • In certain circumstances, a photocopied title page with signatures may be submitted in person.
  • Theses are processed once a day in the order they are received.
  • Please allow 1-3 business days for a response.
  • Submitted theses become part of the Library's holdings and are made openly available on the Library's website or by request.

This information is for guidance only.

Contact your thesis chairperson for more specific guidance.