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Citing Your Work

NLM Writing Style

The official Cover of Citing Medicinewriting style for KansasCOM is the National Library of Medicine (NLM) citation format. This format is the standard for professional journals in the field of medicine, and is the selected format for MEDLINE/PubMed citations. Faculty, students, practitioners, and administrators should become comfortable using NLM citation format. 

Failure to adhere to required citation styles may interfere with reader understanding, show a lack of professionalism, and/or result in major funding opportunities being lost, particularly with large federal grants in medicine and science.

But don't fret! You have tools at your disposal to make citing your work a breeze! RefWorks is a citation management tool, and many of the databases will generate a citation for you. 


Knowledge for Practice, Professional Communication, Scientific Literacy, and Communication Skills are all important competencies for medical practice. Learn more about the Physician Competency Reference Set (PCRS).  Conforming to the required academic writing form and style for various journals is a means of demonstrating competency in these domains.