Use the advanced search function on our home page to search videos across collections. All videos are not discoverable in this way, but every collection (listed on the right) has a search function. If you need assistance finding a video, please contact the Library.
The database is a streaming video resource with a board collection of over 26,000 films on every subject imaginable and from leading producers such as Criterion Collection, The Great Courses, New Day Films, HBO California Newsreel, Kino Lorber, PBS, BBC, First Run Features, The Video Project, Media Education Foundation, Documentary Education Resources. Kanopy’s website makes it easy to watch, share and discuss films across campus. consists of over 200 titles of the leading practitioners in the fields of psychotherapy, counseling, social work and addiction treatment demonstrating clinical techniques and discussing their work.
APA PsycTherapy provides therapy demonstration videos specifically developed to enable viewers to observe how therapists spontaneously use different approaches and techniques in practice. The videos provide examples of some of the most renowned therapists working with participants on a host of therapy topics. The more than 550 videos in APA PsycTherapy feature searchable word-for-word transcripts that scroll in sync with the video playback. All videos have also been coded with searchable and browsable index terms and other information about participants, clinical demonstration content, and therapeutic approaches demonstrated by each video. APA PsycTherapy also provides powerful search, clip-making, and playlist capabilities.
This collection of 136 hours and 420 videos draws upon a vast network of SAGE’s authors and editors. It includes many tutorials, such as Mick Cooper on Empathy and Listening, multiple interviews with leading experts such as Jerrold Lee Shapiro on Existential Psychotherapy and John McLeod on Evidence-Based Practice, along with many more films addressing teaching, learning and practitioner issues.
Comprised of more than 120 hours and 450 videos, this collection offers a practical view into a full range of teaching settings and situations, from early years to educational leadership, to support students needing to understand theory or how to apply it in practice. Contributors include leading authors Peter Smith on Bullying, Wendy W. Murawski on Co-Teaching, Julia Link Roberts on Gifted and Talented Education, and many more.
This collection features 134 hours across more than 400 videos, covering different content types that will help users instruct, learn, think deeply, and become even more curious. See professional psychologists in action, such as forensic psychologists working inside a prison, or clinical psychologists treating patients with a variety of mental health disorders; or venture back to the field’s beginnings via footage of John B. Watson or Muzafer Sherif’s early experiments.