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Saybrook Department of Research

A guide to the Saybrook University Department of Research

Specialization in Teaching and Advanced Research

What is STAR?

The Department of Research is exploring a Specialization in Teaching and Advanced Research (STAR).  With a tentative launch for Fall 2025, this 15.0 credit specialization would serve students in any program interested in pursuing academic careers in higher education. A series of courses will provide students with these skills and opportunities to advance their career potential in higher education. Student-centered skill-based courses in teaching, grant writing, curriculum design, and academic publication prepare students for professional and scholarly success in their field of interest.

  • Supplement academic career potential while completing their degree program. 
  • Build a scholarly portfolio of teaching and advanced research skills for academic success post-graduation. 
  • Work with faculty research mentors.
  • Participate in a new Student Research Symposium, an annual virtual academic conference featuring student research presentations. 

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