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Library Apps Spotlight: Browzine

What is BrowZine?

Browzine is a journal reading management application developed by ThirdIron and accessible through the Community Solutions Libraries subscription. It allows you to pull together journals you are interested in and access them through an iOS or Android mobile app, or a web interface. It interacts with the Libraries full text subscriptions providing easy access to our full text content. While Browzine covers most of the major publishers, not all journals are represented.

Use BrowZine to:

  •     Browse scholarly journals by subject categories
  •     Search for known journals by title or ISBN.
  •     Review current tables of contents
  •     Read/download full articles.
  •     Access in-press articles, when available.

Create a personal account to:

  •     Create up to four bookshelves of four titles each.
  •     Create a curated list of articles.
  •     Sync between the web and mobile app versions.
  •     Receive new article alerts.

What you CAN NOT find in BrowZine:

  • It does not include a function for searching within or across journals.
  • Older issues of journals, even if we have an active subscription. Only journal issues from 2005 and newer are available via BrowZine. Clicking on the "See All"  link in Browzine will take you back to the Library Journals Search if you need something older.
  • Non-journal publications such as newspapers, popular magazines, and books.
  • Not all journals subscribed to by TCSPP are accessible via BrowZine.

How to Access BrowZine

  • Via the Web: Go to and choose "The Community Solutions Education System" under "Choose my Library"


Once the app has been installed, you will be asked to Choose a Library.


  • Through your local Library One Search menu or the shared OneSearch: Journals A to Z (New)


Additional Features

New Articles -  The number of unread articles since the last time you logged into BrowZine will be indicated in red next to each title on your bookshelf.

Articles in Press: Many publishers make articles available before they are formally assigned to a volume and issue. When looking at an individual journal page, if articles in press are available, they will display in a separate, Articles in Press section to the left, above the issue list.

Actions from Table of Contents 

Download PDF - some publishers provide this capability

Link to Article - Go to article when available 

Save to my Articles - Create account in order to save a list of articles.

Export Citation - save citation to Zotero, Mendeley, BibTeX, RefWorks, EndNote RIS, Universal RIS

Share - Click for a sharable URL and share to social media sites.