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LibKey and BrowZine

Tools to simplify access to library-licensed and open access journal articles.

LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that makes searching on the Web and accessing content easier. While you are searching, you can quickly see if an article is available to you in the Saybrook library databases. It works on publisher websites, PubMed, ResearchGate, and other sites to connect you to scholarly resources. If Saybrook does not have access to the full text, LibKey Nomad will link you to OneSearch where you can submit a request for Interlibrary Loan.

LibKey Nomad does not track users or store your ID after you close your browser so your privacy is protected. You do not even have to create an account. Just download the browser extension and start finding.

To get started using LibKey Nomad, install the LibKey Nomad extension on your browser.

Search for and select TCS or The Community Solution Education System from the list of organizations.

LibKey Nomad institution lookup

The LibKey Nomad icon (green teardrop shape) will appear in the top right of your browser window.

Start searching on the Web. When you are on a page where you can download an article, the LibKey Nomad linking button will appear in the bottom left of the browser. If we do not have access, you will not see the linking button...but you can still request the item with Interlibrary Loan.

search result with LibKey nomad display for access


When you click the Article Link or Provided by button, LibKey Nomad will redirect you to the actual article. For articles not in the Saybrook Library collection, clicking Access Options will take you to OneSearch where you can request to receive it via Interlibrary Loan. : Search by DOI or PMID

LibKey IO is a library search tool that allows users to enter a DOI (digital object identifier) or PMID (PubMed identifier) and connect to the full text of the articles available in the Saybrook library. 

A DOI is a unique alphanumeric code that identifies a specific digital information object. The DOI is a useful way to navigate to information about any digital information object but it is NOT a trusted path for access to it. You may only have access to information about the article, not the article itself, and may be prompted to pay for the item. It is best to check for access in our library rather than simply searching for a DOI on the internet. LibKey IO is the tool to use.

To use LibKey IO on your internet brower, enter:

The LibKey IO page will open with a prompt to enter a DOI. Only enter the numeric part of a DOI, not all the front matter.

  • Yes:  10.1002/jls.21773
  • No:

Here is an example:


After clicking FIND DOI, a prompt to enter your organization name appears. Enter TCS Education System (not Saybrook) and then click Confirm.


Options to access the article will be in the next window: Download PDF or Article Link. When you click one of the options, you will be prompted to enter your Saybrook login credentials (your Saybrook email and password.) 


The LibKey IO DOI finder is also found on the library website in the following locations:

Library homepage under Quick Links: Find an Article by DOI/PMID

Saybrook OneSearch Homepage: Search DOI/PMID (Articles) in top navigation bar



LibKey BrowZine is a service designed to make it easy for researchers to find, read and monitor the latest scholarly journals. Think of it as a journal finder and manager. You can:

  • Search by subject to find journals relevant to you 
  • Find your favorite journal by title in the A-Z list
  • Review current table of contents or read full text
  • Be alerted when new editions of journals are published
  • Create a personal bookshelf of favorite journals
  • Easily save to some citation management software tools

Access BrowZine on your computer:

Access BrowZine on your tablet or smartphone:

Create a free BrowZine account to use all features.

How to Create a BrowZine Account:

Go to BrowZine using the access methods above (direct link or Journals A-Z on the OneSearch Homepage.)

Click the cogwheel link in the upper right to open a page to Login or Sign Up.

When prompted for to Choose Library, enter TCS Education System (not Saybrook University.) Sign up with your email address and a password.

You will receive an email with instructions for setting up your account.

Once you're in your BrowZine account, you will see a search bar and list of Subjects to browse. Search by title, subject or ISSN or click a Subject category to look for journals of interest. Each Subject has several Categories, too.


When you click on a journal, you'll see the information displayed and can access the issues and articles shown. Click Add to My Bookshelf if you want it in your account.


Click My Bookshelf to organize and name your Bookcases and Shelves with names meaningful to you.