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Faculty Guide to Affordable Educational Resources

Library Resources as Course Readings

Using library resources within your course as required or optional readings is another method, alongside Open Educational Resources (OER), to provide access to resources at no cost to students. TCS Education System Libraries collections provide access to more than 450,000 eBooks, 150,000 eJournals, and over 330 databases that contain articles, streaming media, and more. Browse the list of the libraries' Shared Electronic Resources or search the library catalog at your local library to find resources on your subject of interest. Please email the library at if you would like assistance locating information resources for use in your course.

Library Resources Overview

The best way to find eBooks is to use OneSearch, the library's main search tool found on the homepage of the website. Click the button for Books and then enter keywords, book title, author, or other search term. Alternatively, go to the A-Z Database List which is the TCS shared electronic resource page and limit the search to Books. Choose a specific database to search in from the list of results. The databases below are the top eBook resources:

There are many ways to find articles and eJournal titles. Use OneSearch, search from a local library catalog (visit your local library for specific instructions), or use BrowZine, our journal finder. Or, explore popular article databases below from the A-Z Database List.

The best way to find streaming videos is directly within the streaming video databases since not all of our titles get indexed in OneSearch. Go to the A-Z Database List and filter by streaming videos. Click a title of a database to enter and search in it. These are the top video databases: