Complementary medicine: treatments used along with standard medical treatments
Alternative medicine: treatments used instead of standard medical treatments
Integrative medicine: total approach to medical care that combines standard medicine with complementary and alternative practices that have shown to be safe and effective
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The Handbook of Mind-Body Medicine for Primary Care introduces an evidence-based mind-body approach to the medical and behavioral problems of primary care patients. Evidence-based mind-body practice draws on the best available scientific research, advocating the integration of well-documented mind-body therapies into primary health care. The handbook summarizes current mind-body practice and provides an overview of the basic techniques, including biofeedback, neurofeedback, relaxation therapies, hypnotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapies, acupuncture, and spiritual therapies.
The leading journal delivering practical and evidence-based research on integrating alternative medical therapies and approaches into private practice or hospital integrative medicine programs.
The NCCIH is the federal government's lead agency for scientific research on complementary and integrative health approaches. It is one of 27 institutes, centers and offices that make up the National Institutes of Health within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The mission of the NCCIH is to determine, through rigorous scientific investigation, the fundamental science, usefulness, and safety of complementary and integrative health approaches and their roles in improving health and healthcare.
Alt HealthWatch is a full-text alternative health research database focused on complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. It offers the latest information about the evolving practice of holistic medicine and therapies.
Stay on the cutting edge of today's most promising trends in complementary and alternative medical treatments with Dr. David Rakel's Integrative Medicine, 4th Edition. Written by physicians who are experts in both traditional and integrative medicine, this highly regarded, evidence-based reference covers therapies such as botanicals, supplements, mind-body, lifestyle choices, nutrition, exercise, spirituality, and more. Integrative Medicine, 4th Edition uses a clinical, disease-oriented approach, offering practical guidance for reducing costs and improving patient care. Helps you safely and effectively incorporate complementary and alternative therapies into your everyday practice, while focusing on prevention and wellness for a better quality of life.
The Video Atlas was originally intended to be used by individual medical and dental students. Because of its realism, simple language, and three-dimensional quality, the Video Atlas has become popular with students and teachers in other fields including medical practitioners, allied health students, secondary and undergraduate students, and non-medical users with a need-to-know interest in human structure.