Psychological tests are standardized measures of a particular psychological variable. Tests can be purchased commercially or unpublished tests can be found in the psychology literature.
The American Psychological Association has published frequently asked questions about psychological tests that can help you better understand the options available for identifying the best test or measure.
Produced by the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements at the University of Nebraska, the Mental Measurements Yearbook provides users with a comprehensive guide to over 2,700 contemporary testing instruments. Tests in Print serves as a comprehensive bibliography to all known commercially available tests that are currently in print in the English language.
This database is published by the American Psychological Association and provides bibliographic, plus full text and multimedia of psychological tests from the early 1900s to the present. Test records include descriptive summaries of the test and its development and administration, mostly drawn from articles in peer-reviewed journals or books, with downloadable tests. 75% of the test records contain the actual test or test items.
Tests and measures are used for diagnosing, researching, and assessing phenomena in the social and behavioral sciences, education, health, and other areas. They may be published or unpublished.
Published tests are instruments commercially published by a test publisher. They are administered and scored in a consistent manner. The validity and reliability of the instrument are two essential elements for defining the standard quality of the test. These tests are generally only available from the publisher and often come in the form of kits or booklets. They can be very costly.
Unpublished tests are instruments that have been published in books or journals but have not been published by a test publishing company. Using an unpublished test may come with additional ethical responsibilities on the part of the researcher including contacting the author and requesting permission to use the test. In addition, if the material is copyrighted, permission to use the test must be made in writing.
Types of tests
To find published tests, open the Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print database. It is found in the Recommended Tests & Measurements Databases list above or by going to the A-Z Database List.
A list of tests indexed in MMY is located at the Buros Center for Testing website.
When the database opens, search the name of the test and then click its title in the list of results. You will see a page with information about the test, including a section for Publisher Information. Contact the publisher for information about purchasing.
The record will appear in the results. Click its title to view information about the test such as author, purpose, population, time, etc. Click the Access Options > Check for full text to open the test if it is available.
Finding unpublished tests is not as cut and dry as there are many more places they may be found such as in specialized databases (PsycTESTS, Health and Psychosocial Instruments), subject databases (ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global, PsycINFO, etc.), books, articles, and other resources.
Stay tuned for more an in-depth guide to locating tests and measures in our library databases. In the meantime, please contact the library if you need help with your search.
The following websites are a sampling of reputable and trustworthy options for identifying tests and measures on the internet. Library staff can guide you in finding additional free resources online.