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APA 7: Verb Tense and Reporting Verbs

Verb Tense

The past tense or present perfect tense are appropriate when discussing a researcher’s work. Use the past or present perfect tenses in your in-text citations.


Berry (2022) and Gimmel et al. (2020) discovered that young people in foster care are at high risk for psychiatric disorders and poor long-term functional outcomes.

Wood (2018) and Winter (2008) used tribal critical race theory to explore the necessity and importance of letting Native people be the authority on their culture’s representation and allowing them to center their lived experiences and speak for themselves.

Present Perfect

Researchers have discovered that young people in foster care are at high risk for psychiatric disorders and poor long-term functional outcomes (Berry, 2022; Gimmel et al., 2020).

Other scholars have used tribal critical race theory to explore the necessity and importance of letting Native people be the authority on their culture’s representation and allowing them to center their lived experiences and speak for themselves (Wood, 2018; Writer, 2008).

Common Verbs (Reporting Verbs) Used in Academic Writing

Reporting verbs are used to convey what someone else has said or written. We use these in in-text citations to describe the ideas we are citing from authors’ works.

Tentative Reporting Verbs

admitted hypothesized
alleged imagined
anticipated implied
cautioned intimated
conceded perceived
confused postulated
commented proposed
considered questioned
doubted recommended
guessed speculated
hoped suggested

Reporting Verb Handout

The information on this page formatted as a handout that can be printed for convenient reference as you write.

Neutral Reporting Verbs

accentuated held the view that
accepted hypothesized
accessed identified
acknowledged illustrated
added implemented
administered implied
advised indicated
affected inferred
agreed interpreted
analyzed investigated
appraised justified
approached knew
articulated linked
assessed listed
assumed maintained
assured mentioned 
attributed noted
believed observed
categorized outlined
characterized pointed out
charted posited
claimed presented 
clarified professed
classified proposed
concluded realized
concurred reasoned that
confirmed recognized
commented refined
compared  reflected
considered regarded
contrasted regulated
created relied on
debated reported
declared represented
deduced requested
defined  responded
demonstrated revealed
derived questioned
described showed 
detected sought to
documented specified
differentiated stated
disagreed studied 
discovered submitted
discussed  subscribed to
encouraged suggested
estimated surveyed
evaluated theorized
examined thought
excluded took into consideration
explained uncovered
explored understood
expressed used 
felt utilized
focused on  viewed
found wondered

Strong Reporting Verbs

accused guaranteed
achieved highlighted
acknowledged  ignored 
advocated inferred 
affirmed insisted
announced intervened
argued justified
asserted  maintained 
assumed misinterpreted
believed monitored
blamed negated 
challenged objected to 
claimed opposed
complained persuaded
conceded presumed
concluded promised
condoned prioritized
confirmed  proved
contended recognized 
contradicted refuted
criticized reinforced
declared  rejected 
denied required
determined restricted
deviated revealed 
discounted stressed
dismissed  substantiated 
disputed supported the view that
disregarded  threatened
doubted underscored
emphasized upheld
endorsed urged
established validated
exhorted warned

Adapted from American Psychological Association publication manual (7th ed.).