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APA 7: Clinical Practice References

Information Needed

  • Author(s)
  • Year
  • Title of work (italicized, unless part of a larger work)
  • Location of work

Clinical Practice References Examples

Cochrane review

Gibbon, S., Khalifa, N. R., H-Y Cheung, N., Völlm, B. A., & McCarthy, L. (2020). Psychological interventions for antisocial personality disorder. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Clinical practice guideline by individual authors

Qaseem, A., Barry, M. J., & Kansagara, D. (2016, March 1). Nonpharmacologic versus pharmacologic treatment of adult patients with major depressive disorder: A clinical practice guideline from the American College of Physicians. American College of Physicians.

Clinical practice guideline by a group author

The Management of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Work Group. (2017, June). VA/DoD clinical practice guideline for the management of posttraumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder. Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense.

Drug information

Guideline Central. (n.d.). Risperdal (risperidone) tablet [Drug information].

Diagnostic manual with individual authors

Goldstein, S., & DeVries, M. (2017). Handbook of DSM-5 disorders in children and adolescents. Springer.

Diagnostic manual with publisher as author (ebook)

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5 (5th ed.).

Electronic journal article with a DOI

Phillipou, A., Rossell, S. L., Castle, D. J., & Gurvich, C. (2022). Interoceptive awareness in anorexia nervosa. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 148, 84–87.

Electronic journal article without a DOI (use URL)

Madubata, I., Spivey, L. A., Alvarez, G. M., Neblett, E. W., & Prinstein, M. J. (2022). forms of racial/ethnic discrimination and suicidal ideation: A prospective examination of African-American and Latinx Youth. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 51(1), 23–31.