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APA 7: Annotated Bibliographies

About Annotated Bibliographies

An annotated bibliography is a type of student paper in which reference list entries are followed by short descriptions of the work called annotations. Most APA Style guidelines are applicable to annotated bibliographies. Annotated bibliographies use one-inch margins, Times New Roman 12-point typeface, and are double spaced. It is not necessary to cite the work being annotated in the annotation because the origin of the information is clear through context. However, do include in-text citations if you refer to multiple works within an annotation to clarify the source.

Instructors generally set all other requirements for annotated bibliographies (e.g., number of references to include, length and focus of each annotation). In the absence of other guidance, format an annotated bibliography as follows:

Format and order references in an annotated bibliography in alphabetical order, the same as you would order entries in a reference list.

 Each annotation should be a new paragraph below its reference entry. Indent the entire annotation 0.5 in. from the left margin, the same as you would a block quotation. Do not indent the first line of the annotation.

If the annotation spans multiple paragraphs, indent the first line of the second and any subsequent paragraphs an additional 0.5 inch, the same as you would a block quotation with multiple paragraphs.

Annotated Bibliography Example

Ok, M. W., Kim, M. K., Kang, E. Y., & Bryant, B. R. (2016). How to find good apps: An

evaluation rubric for instructional apps for teaching students with learning disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 51(4), 244-252.

As technology has evolved, a new type of computer, the mobile device (e.g., smartphone, tablet), has gained popularity. The mobile device is a small-sized, portable computer that typically has touch-screen features; the iPad is one of the more popular mobile devices used in schools today. Upon the initial release of the iPad in 2010, the device and instructional applications (i.e., apps) quickly gained popularity in educational settings despite many teachers’ lack of knowledge concerning the devices’ implications for learning.

Nevertheless, teachers and parents have reported positive results using mobile devices and apps, and professionals have also demonstrated that mobile devices and apps have the potential to be useful tools for students with disabilities. Mobile devices provide the availability of downloadable, inexpensive software that can serve as cost-effective assistive technology. In addition, their touch-screen feature allows students with disabilities to use the device without having to operate a mouse or a touch pad. Most mobile devices also have Internet access, built-in video, a camera, and audio-capture capabilities. These devices can be easily individualized to meet the needs of individual students with disabilities.

Adapted from American Psychological Association publication manual (7th ed.).